At Home Resources For Grade 1

At Home Resources for Grade 1


English Language Arts

Below are some resources that you can use to help your child at home with literacy.  Student accounts have been created on some of the sites.  Student login information will be emailed so students can access their accounts.

§ (RAZ Kids student login info will be emailed to parents.  RAZ Kids has levelled books and comprehension questions for students.)

§ Starfall

§ CVC machine- makes random words for child to sound out

§ Reading Rockets

§ Vooks Books

§ Phonics Hero

§  Alphablocks videos on YouTube are also really good for phonemic awareness

Sight Words

    • Paper Plate Toss: Write sight words on paper plates. Use them like frisbees to throw after reading the word. Add in some additional fun by adding a target.
    • Flashlight Words: Turn off the lights. Tape words on the wall or ceiling. Use the flashlight to sine on the word, then have your child read it.
    • Go Fish: Make a duplicate set of word cards to play “Go Fish.” You can easily make your own cards out of index cards.
    • Stepping Stones: Place the word cards on the floor, making a fun stream going across the room. Have your child walk over the stream. As they step onto the stepping stone (word), have them say the word before they move on to get to the other side of the stream.
    • Tic-Tac-Toe: Write words in the tac-tac-toe spaces. Take turns selecting a space to read. If read correctly, an X or O is placed on the space until someone wins.
    • Word-O: This is played just like BINGO. Fill in a card with the words that you are working on. Call out the words and mark the spaces. The first one with a card covered calls out the word “WORDO!”
    • Word Hunt: Look for target words in books or in the newspaper. If using the newspaper your child can highlight or circle the words that she finds.
    • Word Jump: Write the sight words onto the driveway. Call out a word. Have your child jump their way to the sight word.
    • SNAP: You put the sight words you want them to practice on flash cards and put the flash cards into a jar. Also, you write the word SNAP on a few flash cards and put them in to the jar. The kids can play in partners or in a groups of 3 or 4 with siblings. They take turns pulling a card out of the jar. If they can say the word on the card automatically with no struggle, they get to keep the card. If they struggle, they have to put it back. If they pull out one of the cards that says SNAP, they have to put all of the card they’ve drawn back. The first person to 5 cards (or 10) wins!
    • Stair Chase: Place two sight word cards on each stair. Let them pick one sight word on the way up, saying the word and picking up the card when they get it correctly. Have them practice the other sight words on the way down.
    • Coin Toss: Put words on the floor. Children take turns tossing a coin onto a word and saying the word. If they get the word correctly, they keep the coin. If you like, first to 10 coins wins. Or see if they can collect all of the coins.
    • Concentration: Create two sets of word cards. Place the word cards face down. Have your child turn over two cards, trying to make a match. Continue until all of the words are matched.
    • Play who am I? Lay out the word cards. Then give the child clues to what the selected word is. For example, if the word was “red,” you could say – I rhyme with bed. I have three letters. I end with the letter D. Have the child locate the word.
    • Chalk Writing: Go outside and practice writing the sight words with chalk on the sidewalk.
    • Beat the Clock: See how many times your child can write a word in one minute. Or see how many flash cards your child can read in one minute.
    • Words You Can Eat: Write your words in whipped cream, peanut butter, carrots or anything you can eat.
    • Who has more? Give flash word cards to your child. If they read the word within 5 second, they get to keep the card. If not, you keep the card. If the child has more cards than you at the end, they win.
    • Salt Tray: Grab a tray or baking sheet with edges. Pour in salt. Write the word in salt. When your child says it correctly, they get to erase the word


MORE FUN WAYS TO PRACTICE SIGHT WORDS: WRITE THEM OUT. Having your child recite sight words isn’t the only way to have them practice sight words. Having them write them out in fun ways helps them learn the spelling, too.  It also helps improve fine motor skills.  You can make words using:

  • Playdough
  • Stencils
  • Wiki sticks
  • Alphabet stamps
  • Scrabble tiles
  • Magnetic letters
  • Legos
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Salt on a Tray
  • Sidewalk Chalk
  • Sticks (in sand or dirt)
  • Teachers Pay Teachers
  • YouTube has several excellent resources for learning letter sounds, sight words, etc.


Practice printing with your child.  Teachers Pay Teachers ( has many free resources for printing and letter formation.  Have our child write a journal entry every day.  You can give them a writing prompt such as, “If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?”, “What is your favorite animal/food/place/ and why?”, “If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?”, etc..  Remind them to write 4 Star Sentences (1. starts with a capital letter, 2. ends with a period/question mark, 3. neatly printed/properly spaced, and 4. makes sense).  They can also practice writing walking stories (stories that do not have a problem but do have an anchor line – a line that is repeated throughout the story, such as Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day) and climbing stories (stories that have the traditional introduction, middle with a problem and ending where there is a solution to the problem).   You can find free picture prompts on Teachers Pay Teachers to help give your child ideas for writing.


§ (student login information will be emailed to parents)

  • Apps
    • Teaching number lines (Frog logo)
    • Math Bingo
    • Rocket Math
    • Prodigy
    • Splash Math
    • Motion Math
  • Teachers Pay Teachers
  • YouTube has several excellent resources for learning addition, subtraction, skip counting, etc.

Science/Social Studies/Health

  • For Health: Personal safety in school/home/community (continue to discuss these) Refer to Alberta Ed for additional health resources.  Students have also been working on friendship skills, conversation skills, listening skills, conflict resolution, social thinking, size of the problem and the Zones of Regulation.
  • For Science: Continue to discuss living and non-living things, needs of plants and animals, vertebrates vs invertebrates, and animal/vertebrate groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians).  Refer to Alberta Ed for additional science resources.
  • where students can build a habitat for animals
  • SciShow Kids on YouTube
  • Bill Nye the Science Guy videos
  • For Social Studies: Continue to explore their role in school/home/community. Refer to Alberta Ed for additional social studies resources.  We were going to look at the local Airdrie community and then Canada as a whole.
  • Teachers Pay Teachers
  • YouTube has several excellent resources for learning about different animals and their needs through the seasons.

Physical Education

  • Students can log onto GoNoodle for some active learning.
  • Have a “Just Dance” dance party from the Just Dance videos on YouTube





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